Integrated Customer Portals using AWS - IptiQ

Executive Summary

In a successful collaboration, ELCA has effectively delivered AWS managed services to IptiQ, utilizing a technology stack featuring a React frontend and Spring Boot Backend. This integrated solution encompasses the seamless migration of closed book policies from a legacy system, enhancing customer communication, and enabling the transparent display of these policies.

Customer Challenge

IptiQ sought to enhance its customer experience in a competitive business environment, emphasizing a customer-centric approach. The migration of closed book policies, improving customer communication, and enhancing policy display were pivotal challenges in achieving a more efficient and user-friendly solution. Furthermore, maintaining compliance and security standards throughout the solution construction was of paramount importance.


Failing to address the innovation challenges could have a detrimental impact on customer satisfaction, competitiveness, operational efficiency, and the company's overall success. Addressing the operational efficiency is essential to ensure a positive and sustainable business trajectory.

Partner Solution

ELCA successfully addressed IptiQ's challenge by implementing a comprehensive AWS-based solution that focused on improving customer experience, particularly in the areas of closed book policy migration, customer communication, and policy display. Key AWS services were strategically used to accomplish this goal:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): The adoption of AWS as the cloud computing platform enabled rapid innovation, scalable resource allocation, cost optimization, and global service deployment, ensuring that IptiQ could meet customer needs efficiently.
  • Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service): ELCA leveraged Amazon ECS to orchestrate and manage containerized applications. This implementation ensured scalability and reliability in the system, which is critical for handling the migration and display of policies.
  • Amazon CloudFront: ELCA established Amazon CloudFront to accelerate web content distribution. This service cached content stored in an Amazon S3 Bucket, which not only improved the delivery of policy information but also allowed for fine-tuned access controls aligned with specific business and security requirements.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): As part of their full-stack application development, ELCA seamlessly incorporated AWS SES to enhance email notification support, which is essential for streamlined customer communication.

Throughout the project, ELCA prioritized data security and compliance. Rigorous measures were implemented at every stage to ensure that customer data remained secure and in line with industry standards.


Additionally, the development process followed agile engineering principles, fostering continuous collaboration between ELCA and IptiQ. This iterative approach allowed for ongoing enhancements, ensuring that the platform evolved to meet changing customer needs. ELCA took on the responsibility for setting up, operating, and maintaining the AWS infrastructure as part of their managed services contract with IptiQ, providing a holistic and customer-focused solution. This approach ultimately addressed IptiQ's challenges and significantly improved customer experience and operational efficiency.

Results and Benefits

Some outcomes of the AWS services provided for iptiQ are:

  • 1 Region and 2 Environments (PROD/TEST): By deploying IptiQ's infrastructure in a single AWS region, we achieved centralized management and cost efficiency. The creation of separate Production and Test environments allowed for controlled development and testing, minimizing the risk of errors in production systems.
  • High Availability with 2 Availability Zones which ensures fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities.
  • 11 Subnets (3 Public + 8 Privates): The implementation of a multi-subnet structure, consisting of public and private subnets, delivered robust security and network isolation.
  • ECS Clusters Performance Optimization: the establishment of two Elastic Container Service (ECS) clusters yielded impressive results:
  1. The Production (PROD) cluster consistently maintained CPU usage below 10%, demonstrating efficient resource utilization.
  2. Memory utilization stayed around 30%, indicating optimal performance avoiding load peaks with well-chosen instance types at design stage. This reduced operational costs and enabled an enhanced user experience.

About iptiQ

IptiQ is a digital B2B2C insurance company, powered by Swiss Re.


Their mission consists of streamline insurance accessibility for consumers. By establishing enduring partnerships with insurers, insurance intermediaries, banks, and prominent consumer brands, they offer a comprehensive range of life and non-life insurance products.


Their approach involves deploying cutting-edge data solutions and an advanced end-to-end digital platform, allowing their partners to deliver seamless multi-channel customer experiences with unmatched efficiency and simplicity.

Contact: Wibke Sudholt

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